Check for trojan virus on mac
Check for trojan virus on mac

  1. Check for trojan virus on mac Patch#
  2. Check for trojan virus on mac software#
  3. Check for trojan virus on mac torrent#

In other words, the best way to avoid a Trojan Horse is to be careful about what you are downloading and where you are downloading it from.

check for trojan virus on mac

Check for trojan virus on mac torrent#

The Trojan can be disguised as anything you might want to download, from a music or video file on a torrent site, to a third-party program. These programs work by tricking a computer user into willfully downloading and running a disguised piece of malware, which activates malicious processes on your computer once it has been installed. Trojan Horse programs use the same basic concept as the Greeks did to get inside Troy. At nightfall, the host of Greek soldiers hiding in the horse emerged and opened the gates of Troy, letting the rest of their army into the city, catching the Trojans off guard, slaughtering the Trojan army, and winning the war. The Trojans, thinking themselves victorious in the war, pulled the horse inside the walls of Troy as a trophy of their triumph.

check for trojan virus on mac

Pretending to sail away in defeat, the Greeks constructed a giant horse and secretly hid soldiers inside. The Root of the “Trojan Horse” Nameĭuring the Trojan War, after a lengthy siege of Troy, the Greeks decided to try to trick their enemies in order to get inside the seemingly impregnable walls of the city. But what can you do to avoid this type of malware and the headache it brings, or to detect and delete it from your Mac once you have been infected? Read on to learn more about this particularly malicious type of malware. Needless to say, a Trojan Horse is bad news for both you and your computer. If your Mac has been infected by a Trojan Horse, the program could do any number of things to the system-from initiating the installation of other viruses or malware programs, to giving a hacker complete remote control of your system. Once the Trojan program has been installed, it goes to work with its true purpose, executing malicious activities that greatly compromise the overall security of the system. But as Macs become more popular, it appears hackers are writing more viruses tailored for that operating system.A Trojan Horse, in the computer world, is a potentially devastating type of malware that disguises itself as something desirable in order to be installed or downloaded onto a computer system. But, as the security experts at Sophos point out, this is the second time in a year that Apple systems have been infected with malware.Īpple's operating systems are well known for not having many problems with viruses. In the grand scheme of things, this doesn't seem like a huge outbreak.

check for trojan virus on mac

Check for trojan virus on mac Patch#

Oracle released a patch in 2010 and after Apple got news that the virus was spreading, it released a fix in April. With that in mind: Phillip Elmer-Dewitt at Fortune's Apple 2.0 blog reports that the virus exploits a JavaScript vulnerability. It's also important to note that many of the parties weighing in are part of a security community that makes money off selling anti-virus software.

Check for trojan virus on mac software#

Web, which sells anti-virus software that will protect a computer against that kind of virus. Now, before we move on, you should know that the company making the announcement is Dr. Web shows where the anti-virus software company found infected Macs.Ī Russian computer security firm says it has discovered that about 600,000 Apple computers have been infected with a "Flashback Trojan" virus.

Check for trojan virus on mac